This exhibit does a powerful and moving job of showing us how the more things change, the more they stay the same. We are faced with the ceaseless repetition of state violence against black and brown bodies. What Frank Wilderson has called a Manichean Divide between those bodies that magnetize bullets and those that do not. Still, we must look this banal violence in the face. Give it a name. Remind ourselves that we have a right to look and a responsibility to bear witness, to turn vision into voice, and sorrow into struggle. In solidarity--
Alex McVey
North Carolina visitor
to L.A. show

Mitch Bostian
Head of School
The Berkeley School
I wanted to thank you for taking the time to work with the TBS eighth grade last Friday [after 8th grade history field trip to VIRAL: RK25] — my youngest daughter, Roxy, is in that class, and she got a *lot* out of it!
I picked her up from an event on Friday night in SF (hadn’t seen her since school began), and she talked the whole way home (35 minutes) about the exhibit — what she saw, what she learned, what she thought, etc. It was one of those great “I don’t have to drive this conversation” moments where I could just listen and appreciate her...and your installation and curation. Same sort of thing happened on Sunday when we were having dinner with her grandparents.
As an educator, you know how great it is when kids learn, connect, and grow...and as an artist, you obviously know how to make that happen. THANK YOU for doing it for my kid (and all the kids!!).
Rebecca Greco
8th Grade History Teacher
The Berkeley School
Thank you so much for your thoughtful tour. The class found the works and your explanations so engaging, and they’ve had some excellent discussions since our visit. I’m really grateful for the way in which you drew the ids in and allowed them to offer their thinking.
Personally, I was very moved by the show. I’m raising an African American boy— he’s 9 now— and found the show so powerful.
Leah Morris
8th Grade student
The Berkeley School
Thank you so much for creating and compiling that exhibit. I could see all the work you put into it. I think it’s so important to learn about those things and their history because they influence how we think about the world around us. They also influence how we go about taking on current problems. One thing that really struck me was the part on racial profiling. It made me think about who could have decided that black people deserved to be treated as any less than white people. Anyways, I loved your exhibit, thank you so much for having us!
Anisha Patel
8th Grade student
The Berkeley School
Thank you for educating me on the past that I was not familiar with. It helped me gain perspective on the history and meaning behind all of the issues toward black lives. I am even more passionate about black lives matter movement. I feel educated but not well enough. You have started my search for answers and facts. Again, thank you for giving me and my classmates this opportunity.
Roxy Bostian
8th Grade student
The Berkeley School
Thank you so much for touring us around the incredible, heart-wrenching show that you curated. This exhibit affected me so much. It made me realize the extent to which people are being killed, beaten, etc. just because they are people of color. It made me sad and upset, but it also gave me a rekindled need to fight for those who are at a disadvantage. I plan to come back with my family so they can experience it. Thank you so much.
Mary Ann Gallo, L.A.
Powerful, informative, and engaging show. Thank you!
Joana Moreno, L.A.
Impacting experience, eye opener.
(name withheld)
UK visitor to
L.A. show
Such a powerful exhibition. We cannot turn a blind eye to police brutality. So many lives lost, talented peoplethat died because of an unequal system that DOES NOT WORK. We need a change and this exhibition clearly shows that.
(name withheld)
Berlin visitor
o L.A. show
Good to see art addressing such an important issue. Thank you.
Leticia, L.A.
Very relevant and necessary for the public to raise awareness.
Rose Salseda, L.A.
Connecting the past to the present is necessary and the research/curatorial team did an excellent job. Thank You.
(name withheld)
visitor o L.A. show
Thank for having the show to reflect how much progress has been made since Rodney King. I wish that your show continues to grow and blossom to inform lives around the country