Advisor to the show, USA Rockefeller Fellow, and veteran fighter for the arts of social justice, SPARC founder Judy Baca is one of VIRAL: RK25's original advisors.
Offering critical strategic advice on the development of Art Responders over the years, we have been fortunate to consult with leaders at the intersection of the arts, social justice, and education. These include Professor Paul von Blum, Senior Lecturer for UCLA's African American Studies and Communication Studies and author of several books on African-American artists in Los Angeles; Jeff Chang, journalist, music critic, and vice president of Narrative, Arts, and Culture at Race Forward; Judy Baca, muralist, founder of the Social and Public Arts Resource Center, and 2015 USA Rockefeller Fellow; Nephertiti Oboshie Schandorf, Artistic Director, Peckham Platform; Sarah Smith, BEM, Libraries development Manager, Brent Libraries.